Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Under the Sea Pool Party

August is not only a busy month because it's Back to School time, but we also have two Birthdays to celebrate in the Parker house! Adrian is going to be turning 10 in less than a week, and Jaxon will turn 6 right after he starts kindergarten! ( I know, it hardly seems possible) Since Daddy was home, and Papa and G'ma Parker were visiting from CT, we decided to hold an early B-Day party for both boys at the pool.
The Menu

SUBMARINE Sandwiches
Peanut Butter and JELLYFISHES
Crunchy CORAL
Fruit of the SEA
Saltwater SEAWEED
FISH and chips
OCTOPUS hotdogs
OCEAN potion
Fan"SEA" Treats

The weather cooperated nicely, the kids got two hours to enjoy the pool, splashing was plentiful, and all the kids, even 2 year old Quincy, enjoyed jumping off the diving boards!
"Future 4th Graders"

"Kim's Kids - Daycare Pals"

Now that Jaxon is 6, he can jump off the diving board WITHOUT his life jacket! He is oh so proud of himself too! After all, he couldn't let his lil' sister show him up! :)

Well, someone had to model the hats, right? They sure weren't made to go under the water!
What a GREAT group of kids! Thanks for joining us EVERYONE!
GIFT time in the shelter following the party!
"Hey Adrian Look what I got!"
Brothers and Pals - Zack (12) and Adrian (10)

Thanks to EVERYONE who helped make this B-Day party a memorable one for both boys! It was a wonderful day, and it appeared that FUN was had by ALL!


  1. So CUTE!!! Happy birthday Adrian and Jaxon!!!

  2. WOW WHAT A FUN BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR SOME SPECIAL BOYS! You're lucky to have such a talented mommy to plan such a fun event! I'm sorry we had to miss out on the fun!
