Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Daddy's Blog Post

Tonite, (pre-game) the Mapleton Youth Teams were welcomed out on the playing field, were introduced, and were assigned a position where he/she received that particular player's autograph! As you can see, boy were these kids excited!

High Fives from Hawkeye too!

The Ups and Downs of a Night at the Ball Park!

Tonight was a great night at the ballpark. The whole family got tickets to attend our local independant league baseball game tonight courtesy of the town that most of my kids played T-Ball in this year. Why do I decide to blog about this you might ask…here is why. As most of you know before any type of ballgame the National Anthem is sung or played. Everyone stands and removes their ballcaps (not all the time I am noticing), faces the flag and stands solemnly to observe our National Anthem. Tonight a strange thing happened. There was a young lady who appeared to be in her younger 20′s who decided to talk on her cell phone during the entire singing of the National Anthem. Are you kidding me? How absolutely disrespectfull could a person be. The numbers of American lives that have been lost over the past couple hundred years ensuring hers and everyone elses continued freedom, and her sign of respect is to talk on her cell phone. How completely ignorant of a person. The second thing that occured maybe isn’t so strange to me or his mom but how cool is it to see your 8 year old son catch a foul ball and then give it to a little boy who really wanted it. Pretty damn cool is what I think. We left the game a little early to beat the traffic and to ensure we got home and got some things done before my early flight out in the morning and as we were all walking out I told my son how proud I was of him. Then the strangest thing of all happened…the mother of the little boy who my son gave the ball too, came running out the ballpark to chase us down and give the ball back to my son. She told him that what he did was one of the kindest things she has seen, but that in the end, he deserved the ball. If you could have seen my son’s smile, it was lighting up the sky. Ya, I know he is my son and we all tend to brag about our kids, but tonight I have just a little bit more of a reason to brag.

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