Saturday, July 23, 2011

Little Miss SummerFest

Casselton Summerfest 2011 presents "The Little Miss Summerfest Pageant"
Here are Jayden and Kierra, with their lil' friend and Lil Miss Summerfest 2010 Jocie!
The girls posing just before their interviews with the judges.
Jayden and her Kindergarten Buddies, and lil' sister too!

Jayden's question, "What do you like to do as a family?"
Jayden's answer, "Go on bike rides and watch movies!"
Kierra's question - "What jobs do you do to help out around the house?"
Kierra's answer - "Clean Up!"

Jayden getting her Tiara.
Kierra receiving hers too!
All the beautiful princesses!
Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you girls! You did a Super Job!

The girls with the judges and Little Miss Summerfest 2011, Kensey.
Thank You ALL for coming to see us during our first pageant ever!
We Love You! Jayden & Kierra

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