Sunday, July 24, 2011

Casselton Summerfest 5K

Daddy and his kids preparing for their morning 5K. This was Keiley's 1st 5K ever, and the second for each of the boys! Daddy is thrilled that some of his kids share his love of running!

Cheerleading Section trying to stay dry!
....and they're off!
at the reservoir, about halfway finished...

...and the final home stretch!
and they are all finished!

GREAT JOB Daddy, Keiley, Adrian, and Kameron
Daddy - 2nd place in his age group
Keiley - 3rd place in her age group
Adrian - 2nd place in his age group
Kameron - completed his second 5K about 4 minutes faster than the Fargo 5K - Great PR!

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