Monday, June 13, 2011

Zack turns 12!

In case you can't tell just by looking, this is a picture of Adrian with his BIG brother Zackary. On Sunday afternoon we were invited to Zack's house for his 12th B-Day party!This year Zack celebrated his B-Day by...

Going on 4 Wheeler Rides

Playing in his back yard.....

Planning Silly String Attacks....

and finally.... Sheila prepared the food below for a FOOD FIGHT! (Mashed potatoeos, pumpkin, Minute Rice, Egg Noodles, Peas, and Black Eyed Peas!)
(Here the kids are getting in their Glad Armor Gear!)
The little ones weren't too sure about this! I guess I didn't take any during or after pictures due to flying food everywhere... but it was pretty funny to watch! Kameron and Adrian really got into it, but the youngest three took off their armor right away... because the rule was you could only throw it at people with armor on! :) LOL!
After the food fight it was time for the dunk tank, to get rinsed off! First.... Kameron's turn!
(This was the result of Mommy's first throw!) :)
Then Kierra's turn.... SHE loved this!
Big sister Jayden couldn't get enough of this either! Although it was chilly out they LOVED it... well, everyone that is except Jaxon and Adrian! They decided NOT to give it a try! I can't say I blamed them one bit! :)

Thanks for inviting us to your AWESOME B-Day party Zack! We had a BLAST!
Love, The Parkers

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