Friday, December 2, 2011

Deer Hunting with Daddy!

Not only was Daddy's deer hunt a successful one this year, it was also quite memorable for five of the six Parker kiddos! Daddy thought it was time to share his LOVE of hunting with the kids, so we all dug out some blaze orange and into the pickup we went! The kids were quite successful at spooking up several deer in the shelter belts they walked, and Daddy, Mommy, and Papa couldn't have been more proud of the excitement and interest the kids had in this sport. Mommy isn't sure if the girls are really interested in hunting, however spending any time with their Daddy is precious!

Mommy also had a deer license this year, but had a little trouble shooting. When it came to Target shooting, she hit a pop bottle 2 out of 3 times... NOT too bad... but when she took her first shot at the deer, the scope of the gun kicked back and cut her between her eye brows. No stitches were necessary, however a little glue and a tetanus shot later, she was free to leave the clinic. Today she still has a nice scar to prove she needs a little more practice in this sport.

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