Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tutti Frutti

Today was a very special day! It started off like a normal Sunday..... Sunday School and Church. Then the BIG kids had a Bible Activity with Mommy and Pastor Paula and the little ones went with Papa and Grandma home to have brunch. After that Mommy had a surprise for us! Megan was in town this weekend, home from Colorado, and wanted to spend some time with us. Although we were going to go to the pumpkin patch with her, the weather had other ideas. Because of the rainy weather, we went to Tutti Frutti instead... for some frozen yogurt and candy toppings... or should I say candy with a little frozen yogurt on the side? :)
Thanks Megan for the great time you spent with us today. We realize once again how very much you are missed! Love ya!

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