Monday, September 5, 2011

Another 6 year old!

Mommy hasn't been good at blogging lately since she has been busy with a brand new school year upon us, however she must make note of the fact that we now have not only one six year old in our house, but Jaxon just joined Jayden as our second six year old. He celebrated at school with his new kindergarten friends and teacher, Mrs. E. He also had a surprise show and tell that Mommy brought from home, our new kitten, Sophie! He also chose Mexican Village as the place he wanted to go out to eat. As you can see the servers sang to him , complete with maracas, and Mommy bought a Dairy Queen cake to share also! Thanks G'ma, Papa, Laura, Jeff, and kids for joining us for Jack's B-Day dinner!

You might also note that the B-Day boy is wearing two different outfits in the above pictures. This happens to be because this NEW six year old decided to explore with his very own scissors in kindergarten, and he cut a hole in his shorts, and two holes in his shirt! When mommy asked him about it at lunch, he immediately got sad and his little lip quivered, but he did tell the truth. I think he did this pretty discreetly in the classroom, because his teacher didn't even realize this happened. I think he learned an important lesson that day.... "He was pretty lucky because it was his B-Day!" If it was any other day, he probably would have ended up with a discipline ticket! :(

Anyways...Happy B-Day Buddy! Overall, it was a GREAT day!

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