Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back to School Night 2011

Believe it or not, this little GIRL...

and this little BOY...
are "Kicking off to a Great Year in KINDERGARTEN!" YeeHaw!!!!

Thanks for the goodies that you surprised us with at our desks Mrs. Holland.

Love, Jaxon and Kierra

This Mommy couldn't be more proud to have ALL her kids in school, especially since the youngest two will be right across the hallway in Mrs. Hollands classroom, (the same teacher that Adrian, Kameron, and Jayden had for Kindergarten too). We were blessed once again to get wonderful teachers for ALL the kids, and know that they are in for a great year of learning and fun. It sure helps that since Mommy is in the same building she gets to peek in now and then to see them all in action!

Mrs. Ebertowski... a.k.a "Favorite Auntie Laura/Jack's Fairy GodMother"
will be our substitute teacher while Mrs. Holland is out on her maternity leave (which could begin any day). Both Jack and Kierra promised Mommy they would call her Mrs. E and that they WILL listen to her, and not expect ANY special treatment! ;)
Here is our newest FIRST grader, sorting her school supplies in the assigned totes. She loves the fact that Mrs. Hicks was BIG BROTHER's teacher last year, and she already knows her. Kameron has shared many great stories and enthusiasm from his first grade year, so Jayden knows she's in for a real treat!

Here is Jayden, along with her 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Hicks, who is also expecting baby #1 in January!

"I sure enjoyed "Popping In" to your classroom... and loved the Popcorn treat you left on my desk Mrs. Hicks! Thanks a bunch!" Love, JaydenWOW... look at this big 2nd grader! Not only is he excited to have the same teacher that BIG brother had, but also pretty excited to have a LOCKER too!
Here he is at his desk, however we missed getting a picture with his teacher!
so.... Mommy posed for a picture instead. We will catch Mrs. Giermann on the first day of school for a picture instead! :)

"Thanks so much for the "EXTRA" special treat you left me on my desk too! I know second grade will be EXTRA special with YOU as my teacher." Love, Kameron
Adrian is off to 4th Grade with Mr. Metzger. This will be his first time having a male teacher, who was also his Football Camp coach and is the head coach for CC.

We also missed a photo opportunity with Mr. Metzger, who was at Football practice, however we visited Mrs. Kensok, who will be Adrian's science teacher. Adrian was amazed looking at her rock collection, and is already anticipating a science unit on Rocks and Minerals! I am so excited for all my own kiddos, yet I wish ALL students out there a wonderful 2011-2012 school year!

Stay safe, have fun, and learn as much as you can! "DO YOUR BEST!"

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for all you guys!!! I wish I could be there for back to school night and your first day of school this year!
