Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Red River Valley Fair

Well this week the Red River Valley Fair was in town, and so we decided to head out to take in some FUN that the fair has to offer!
Saturday while Daddy was still home we went to the fair for lunch, went through the exhibits, petting zoo area, watched the reptile show, and saw a real peacock egg hatch. We went through Old McDonalds farm and saw lots of baby farm animals with their mamas. We toured the Ag building, and also watched some horse barrel racing! It was a mighty hot day, so we didn't stay much longer than that.
Then Tuesday Mommy took us to KIDS DAY at the fair since rides were only half price and there was also FREE gate admission. We had an awesome time, and saw many of our friends/classmates while there too!

You can just about hear the laughter of this ride just by looking at their HUGE smiles!

Keiley and Lexi fought over the horse with Zebra stripes.... Can you tell who won?
More of the KIDS being KIDS!
We took a brief moment to find Grandma at the Fair Office where she has been working all week. Lucky she was on her break, so she could join us for slushies and a quick picture before having to return to work!

One of the favorite rides of the year.... THE FLYING SWINGS!
Finally, the highlight of the night was the "MEET & GREET" with Uncle Kracker for Lexi, Keiley, Brooke and Bailey! Grandma was lucky enough to get four passes for the girls... and they had a great time at the concert together too!

Thanks for a wonderful time at the concert Grandma and Papa! We Love You!
Lexi and Keiley
Brooke and Bailey

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