Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

What a wonderful Mother's Day today turned out to be! I set my alarm to wake up and get ready for church and Sunday School, however my other little alarm clocks woke me up first after hearing the phone ring. It was my father-in-law calling to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. After that... a parade of children came into my room waving their manilla envelopes and tissue paper wrapped gifts around shouting Happy Mother's Day! Hugs and Kisses were plentiful, and of course each one sat on my bedside in anticipation of what Mommy might think of their homemade school gifts for MOM!

Adrian went first with his book, "Top Ten Reasons Why I Love My Mom"
Jaxon went second with his Flower pot with Flower Coupons planted in it!
Jayden went third with her "Recipe Book from My Lil' Cook"
Kierra went next displaying a similar flower pot to Jaxon's with more goodie coupons. :)
Kameron waited so patiently as he handed me his gift last! A card that says, "Mom, my love for you just grows and grows and grows" as the card opens upward, and a puzzle too which when put together stated "Mom, I love you to Peces (pieces)!" These are the gifts that this Mommy will treasure ALWAYS! Thanks for making my morning so special! I love you ALL with my whole heart and am proud to be called your "Mommy!"

To top off the wonderful morning, the kids all shared a special message at church by singing to Moms, with their Sunday School classes. Each mom also received a carnation following the service. Here are a couple pics from church this morning!

Then following church, the kids' babysitter, Megan texted me to see if we were going to be home because she had something to drop off. When she arrived an hour later, she had this surprise! She had taken a surprise photo shoot of the kids yesterday while I was helping interview new Kindergarten teachers for the upcoming school year! She not only coordinated outfits, and dressed them, but she had to fix their hair, feed them breakfast and capture these smiles all within two hours time frame since two of the kids were leaving to go with Aunt Tamie to a track meet! This came as SUCH a surprise to me, since ALL of the kids kept this their little secret! Since yesterday, Megan had printed the photos, had them in frames, and she even helped me display the frames on the wall! What a priceless gift! Thanks Megan and Parker kids for such a wonderful surprise! I LOVE IT!
This afternoon was filled with snuggle time/movies with the kids, a nap on the couch, supper with my children, parents, sister, and niece, and a couple competitive games of scrabble too! I had a wonderful visit with daughter Keiley from Seattle, and visited with my mother-in-law from MA too! Now as I sit here this evening in a quiet house, after the kids have fallen asleep, I am counting ALL my blessings. I have come to realize that it's the littlest things in life that can make a difference! I am lucky to have such a supportive and loving husband, six of the best children anyone could ever ask for, a house which is a home, a job that I love, and a community that just never ends!
Thank you Jim for the beautiful boquet of flowers! They are so beautiful, and they surely brightened up my day! Thanks for making this mother's day one I will NEVER forget!
Love you!

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